Choosing the Right Project for Your Portfolio
Etymologically, the word "project" essentially means "to throw or cast forward." As students, we have all been assigned multiple projects to complete within in a stipulated time period whether we liked them or not, from papier-mâché in art class to solar system models in science. We completed these projects for good grades at the end of the term, which may have led to an even greater incentive, that puppy you wanted for your birthday. Moving into our professional lives as technology experts, we often face new projects, but now there's a paycheck waiting for us at the end. This is great because we all have bills to pay. But, if we focus only on the money, we might not be so willing to put in extra effort without getting paid for it. Recently, I began watching One Piece, and a common thread among all the main characters that stands out is their dedication to something they genuinely love. Take Sanji, for example, who is so passionate about ...