0 to 100: A Reflection

What's 10 x 10?

I started this blog on February 4th, 2023—almost two years ago (wow, I just checked!)—and I must say, writing consistently is a challenge that I gladly took on.

Writing has been a constant theme in my life. It got me through my rebellious teen years and straight into adulthood (which, to be honest, I still have a hard time accepting).

Many people ask me, "How do you do it?" To that, I say: I enjoy it, and I have a great support system.

Today, I want to take a moment to reflect and give thanks—to those who read my posts, those who point out my typos, and especially to my dad, who always asks, "Toni, did you post yet?"

But let’s be real: doing 100 of anything is difficult—whether it's 100 pull-ups or developing 100 apps.

Even when you’re passionate about something, there are days when you just don’t have the energy or inspiration.

And that’s okay!

You just have to keep pushing forward—through the valley of despair, even when no one is watching.

I also believe that truly mastering something takes more than a love for money, power, or fame.

It requires a deep desire to understand it inside and out—without being told to do so.

In 2025, information is cheap, but skills developed through repetition are expensive.

Why else does an entry-level Machine Learning Engineer make six figures a year?

If you're curious enough, you can learn anything on your own—but few people will actually sit down and put in the work.

So here’s my advice: whatever you're passionate about, stick with it. 

Keep creating, learning, and improving—even when it feels difficult.

Cheers to my first 100! I’m not sure what the next 100 will look like, but I look forward to it!

Special Thanks

God – For His guidance, blessings, and strength.
My Parents – For their unwavering support and love.
My Friends – For their companionship throughout my data journey.
You – For reading and providing feedback that keeps me motivated.



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