FAQ: What Additional Resources Would You Recommend?


The best state a book can be in, opened.

This week has been one where I have been asked this question twice. 

It seems like everyone is seeking guidance on how to land their first job in the field.

I understand the need for supplemental knowledge outside of a degree. 

When I did a couple data related courses in school, I thought that was all it took to move forward in my data career. 

I was wrong, and today I want you to learn from my wrongs so that you can get way ahead.

I believe that everyone has a preferred method of learning new things so, I would be finding resources in different formats. 

Also, note that at the end of every single blog post I have done has a "Resources" section at the bottom.

Here are some resources that I would recommend to anyone that is interested in a pursuing a data career:


Reading is my preferred method of learning and I would always recommend the following: 

  • Storytelling with Data - is a practical book by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, a former Google employee offering insights on combining data analysis with storytelling techniques to create impactful visual narratives for effective communication in the business world. 
  • DAMA-DMBOK - an authoritative book provides a framework and best practices for managing and governing data as a valuable organizational asset

  • The Art of Statistics - is an enlightening book written by renowned statistician David Spiegelhalter. It offers a captivating exploration of the field of statistics, providing readers with the tools and knowledge needed to understand and interpret data in today's data-driven world. 

YouTube Channels

I am grateful to live in a time where I can go to a single website and get knowledge for free! Here are some YouTubers I'd personally recommend:


Here are a couple courses that come to mind:

NB: I will continue to update this page as I learn more!


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