QR Codes: Brief History and Impact
If you frequent bars or restaurants these days, you will notice that most of them have done away with traditional paper-based menus and opted for a funny-looking square.
As someone who believes we should strive for paperless options as much as possible, I really appreciate the use of these QR codes.
Now, I don't know about you, but I feel like these pixelated squares are now everywhere, and I don't even know what the "QR" even means.
So, out of curiosity, I did a quick search so you don't have to (you're welcome), and it means Quick Response.
Think of Quick Response Codes as a 2D barcode that stores more data than the traditional lines we are familiar with seeing cashiers scan as we worry about our total bill in the grocery store.
QR Codes can be scanned with most smartphones to quickly access information such as URLs (Uniform Resource Locator), basically the address used to access websites.
With that being said, here is a brief history as well as the impact of QR codes on society:
Brief History
Solution: In 1994, Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, invents QR codes for data tracking and identification.
Fun Fact: They can hold up to 7,089 characters unlike traditional barcodes that can only hold around 20 digits.
Present: Camera-equipped smartphones and QR readers lead to wider adoption by the general public.
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